Sandy Forster's Personal Blog

Sandy Forster, Award-winning Entrepreneur, International Prosperity Mentor, mother of two and world-wide adventurer is Author of the Bestseller 'How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST'. If you're ready to discover how YOU can be Wildly Wealthy, get your FREE prosperity resources at

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Busy Start to a Wonderful Year

Was a bit of a sad start to the year. Silly me didn't realise how much little Bailey meant to me until he was gone. Just tried to get through one day at a time.

Here's me and my beautiful daughter Danielle - we're at the world famous Woodford Folk Festival. A super cool event that runs for 7 days between Christmas and New Year that attracts thousands of people - mostly alternative hippy types which is exactly what I am at heart so I fit in perfectly! Was invited to fly to LA to celebrate the launch of Mark Victor Hansens new publishing House. Met some amazing people, including Dr. Michael Beckwith from The Secret.

Here's me at my first Wildly Wealthy Web Secrets event with all the excited attendees. I loved sharing everything I knew about creating a wildly successful on-line business. It's been turned into an information packed homestudy course - if you want to know more go to