Sandy Forster's Personal Blog

Sandy Forster, Award-winning Entrepreneur, International Prosperity Mentor, mother of two and world-wide adventurer is Author of the Bestseller 'How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST'. If you're ready to discover how YOU can be Wildly Wealthy, get your FREE prosperity resources at

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another (tiny) Man in my life to Love!

It was so much fun to surprise my best friend Melissa. I flew to the other end of Australia the day after she'd had her beautiful baby boy. It was worth it just to see the look on her face when I surprised her by walking into her hospital room (after which she burst into tears!). It was magical being able to share that special time with her. Here we are with her new (un-named son) when he was one day old.

Only a small number of times each century do we have 2 full moons in the one month. The second is said to be a blue moon. Here's a photo the night I held my special Blue Moon Teleseminar - we had thousands of people around the world join in and set their intention at this magical time for creating.